The project is located near the Hoshakuji station two stops after Utsunomiya. At the west exit is a round-about, and the east exit is closed, and had an abandoned rice storage house made of Ooya stone. Instead of making a modern station that is decorated with glass, aluminum, new materials, and illuminations that vainly try to appear bright and flowery, I wondered how I can design the vicinity of the station, that sits on the ground firmly, and which represent the image of this town。

Even when I was riding the train back, the image of the Ooya stone storage did not leave my mind. Ooya stone has two distinctive characteristics: “soil” and “porosity”.

Soil is soft, and stone is hard. There exists a contrast, for sharp stone emerges from beneath like it rips the earth; however, Ooya stone is an unique one, which has the quality like that of soil, for it is soft, and is in harmony with the earth. Of all, the softest and the brown part of the stone called “miso”, is the result of soil that got captured inside the stone. Then, it came to my mind that if I use this stone, maybe it is possible to create architecture that merges from the earth, or sublime from the soil.

The other characteristic of this stone is porosity.  The whole Ooya stone have holes like that of a sponge, and miso is the largest hole out of all the others. Because of these openings hole the façade is more broken up rather than closed. In that way an inviting gesture is created.

“Soil” and “Porosity” seem like two opposing things, but within its self, they never contradict.  For the construction of the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo (1922), Frank Lloyd Wright collected stones from all over Japan, and from the large selection, chose the Ooya stone, “a stone like the soil”, which made everyone puzzled. Wright must have been moved by the fact that two qualities of stone that was believed to exist in contradiction was in fact in harmony within the Ooya stone.

I have been thinking to further purify these qualities of the stone, “soil” and “porosity”, and create architecture that is soft, warm, and would not reject people. It is like an architecture that freezes the process which gradually sublimes from the earth to the sky. My idea was to also freeze the process of evolvement from the preserved, existing state of the stone storage house without any porosity, to the new state with much porosity, and make it architectural.

In order to solve this project theme technologically, Mr. Shintani, the engineer, Mr. Kenmoku, the stone dealer, and my colleagues and I brought together our knowledge and came up with the idea of this diagonal construction system. It is a construction system in which we use stacked Ooya stone in pairs, but at the same time weaved like a steel basket made of diagonally stacked steel plate. The stone is not only an applied material, but also an important structural element. It is stone-built, steel structured, which makes it a structural, as well as the finish material. Being in between these ambiguous double characteristics, this fabric was carefully weaved. While this irreplaceable characteristic of the double-sided quality is preserved, the soft substance slowly and gradually freezes.

This fabric, even after it has been woven, will change into various different states. Such can be frozen and modulated. Over time, the stone and steel fabric will continue to modulate.












